With rises in reported teenage pregnancy and teens contracting sexual transmitted diseases, something must be done to educate "the future of tomorrow" about the dangers of sexual intercourse. However, what used to be a pivotal discussion to kids via their parents, is now being outsourced and may be taught at an age where kids begin to learn how to spell.
A Montana school district is considering teaching Sex Ed starting in KG, where kids will be introduced to the reproductive and other private parts of the body. In first and second grade, they will begin learning about same sex attraction and by 5th grade they will know about the other forms of sex (oral and anal). Really!? What's next, teaching Kama Sutra in middle school?
I'm highly against this addition to the elementary school curriculum, but it seems to be addressing a major parenting FAIL! ATTENTION PARENTS: This is your wake up call!!! Get on your job! Spend time with your kids teaching them right from wrong and being active in their everyday lives. Have that talk to them about sex early and often and make sure they are aware of the consequences.
Enough of my thoughts, check it out for yourself.